Academic Tutoring

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Academic Tutoring & Enrichment

Because many students require help in areas beyond standardized testing, time with your TYB tutor can also be used for help with homework, school projects, papers, or other areas. Some students may even choose to use their tutoring hours to focus exclusively on their school work for periods of time.

Not all tutoring is remedial. It is common for families to retain us to provide students the individualized attention and rigorous academic instruction typically associated with only the most elite private schools.

Test anxiety and study skills can be addressed independently or in the context of other work with the student. Most students study ineffectively because they believe that studying entails staring at pages and memorizing facts, equations or dates. Once we shatter this illusion we can help you find the approach that works best .

Some students need help with Math, English or History. Others need to focus on effective note-taking during class, using homework time efficiently, or studying productively for school tests.

When students learn early on to capitalize on their strengths they are better equipped to perform well throughout high school. For this reason, parents with students in middle school have sought help from Test Your Best with amazing results.

Because different students learn and study differently, the approach taken in each case is entirely dependent on the student’s needs. By developing a manner of learning which relies on a student’s existing strengths confidence goes up and so do grades!

We are aware that we are not equipped to help every student in every area of academia. We do a few things and we do them well. My tutors and I are always careful to guide students to other resources for help in areas outside our expertise and we often work with students who simultaneously work with other tutors or learning specialists.